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2024 - World Premier, Fundraiser and Gala


Students from the class of  2024 produced seven exceptional short films.  They are a vibrant mix of experimental, short films and documentaries.  The subjects range from exploring the connections between mental health, fear and joy, living in the Two Spirit world, an animated story about a person struggling to come to terms with their past and many others.  

All films were screened as part of the Regina International Film Festival. August 22, 2024 and a Gala event followed. 

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             Want to make your own short film?

                Want to be mentored by world-class filmmakers?

     Want to be part of a fun and creative group?

LOOK is a nonprofit program that provides those with a mental illness the opportunity to express themselves by producing their own short film or doc. You will create, alongside instructors, mentors and fellow students. The production facilities and equipment are state of the art and LOOK is FREE.  

NO Film/video production experience required 


Celebrate who you are and share your vision of the world.

Bring your "A" game and we will too


                If you're 18 years of age or older and are

              currently under the care of a mental health

        professional, then click on  “Applications” and apply.



The 2024 course was an exciting one.  Eight students joined us, some in an advanced course.  They are an amazing group of people and the classes are spirited, fun, creative and engaging because of them.  

Films from 2024

"Our Two Spirits" - A film by Marina Pelletier

"A Love Letter" - A film by Shawn Coates

"Little Trooper"- A film by Emma Bailey

"Never Give Up" - A film by Marc Gagnon

"First Kiss Mania Switch" - A film by Maggie Kelly

"Fear To Joy" - A Film By Kayla Mak Harrison

See below for comments from students, parents, mentors and volunteers discussing the LOOK experience 

Student Experience

LOOK has altered my life for the better. I have achieved success not only in making films but in growing as an individual. From becoming more open and caring to having a better grasp on my mental well being. LOOK has been the catalyst for personal growth and life changes that have made me happier and given me a more fulfilling life. Through the process of making films I have discovered and rediscovered who I am and have been able to shine my light and help other shine theirs. I could go on and on about the good LOOK does but the key is that being a part of LOOK has achieved more for me than any mental health wellness plan ever could and for that I will be forever grateful.  ~ Shawn

Student Experience

"For me LOOK has played a major role in my recovery journey. I was able to cope creatively and make a short film to express my experience battling with obsessive compulsive disorder and depression. The environment and people you get to connect with during the course become a supportive family that I am so thankful to be a part of. The mentors and instructors were hugely talented and caring. LOOK gave me a sense of purpose everyday to continue fighting and to express myself in a creative manner. I don't believe I would be where I am today without that opportunity." ~ Coral

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Student Experience

In 2024, my son participated in LOOK.  He became part of a community of people who shared his interests and spoke his language.  He read, listened, viewed, attended – and he learned.  Making a short film gave him purpose and a great sense of accomplishment.  The support and instruction that he received from the directors and mentors was knowledgeable, compassionate, and very generous.  We appreciate the contribution that LOOK has made to our son's well-being and his life. ~ Parent


Student Experience

I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder with paranoid delusions in early 2015. Before I started The LOOK Project in 2022-2023, I was terrified to leave my home and go anywhere alone as I believed something was after me and I couldn’t see it, it would always appear just out of my line of sight. Unfortunately, it’s a constant delusion so it is difficult to find a safe space where I can be free and be who I am even with my diagnosis. ~ Marina

Volunteer Experience

I became involved in LOOK as a mental health professional when I saw the incredible growth and transformation in the client students which far outstripped any recovery I had seen through the traditional mental health system despite our best efforts. I watched marginalized, shy clients with little self-esteem or sense of purpose transform into happy, connected  students with a sense of identity, purpose and confidence, and friends - all things the traditional health system falls short at. 

~ Dianne Allen (MSW, RSW)

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